Wednesday, February 3, 2021

2021 Skyway Beer Run

**EDIT The Big Day is the Saturday the 20th!**

2021 will be the 8th year of SBR. It's always the first full Wednesday through Sunday following Valentines Day, with the "big ride day" being on the Saturday of that date range. For any given year, find V-day on the calendar, then go forward until you come to the first Wednesday. That's when Skyway Beer Run officially starts. For 2021, that's Feb 17 to 21, with the big day on the 20th.

This is the first year John Little will not be attending due to battling with cancer. We are helping him out this year and look forward to him joining us in the future.

The 2021 apparel has been uploaded to the teespring website. Make sure to order as soon as possible to get your apparel in time for the big event! Big shout out to Philip Darden for his help and paying homage John Little our fearless leader and event creator!

Lastly, the 2021 Google Photo Album to load all your photos and videos can be found here.