Friday, May 19, 2017

2017 Skyway Beer Run

It just keeps getting better! 2017 was our biggest year yet! We had 45 total with us in the park, with 33 making the ride from Cheaha to Sylaward or from Sylaward to Cheaha. The 2 babies who were still in their mommies' bellies at the 2016 Skyway Beer Run made their appearance in 2017. Check out the pics. They are adorable in their Skyway Beer Run jumpers. In previous years, the Saturday ride had been in one direction only, and shuttle logistics were tough. For 2017, the goal was for the number of southbound riders to be roughly the same as the number of northbound riders. It worked great. On the Saturday morning of the ride, roughly half of the riders loaded up their bikes, drove to Sylaward, parked and then rode the 46 or 56 mile route back to Cheaha. The other half left camp on their bikes and rode the 46 or 56 mile route ending at Sylaward, where they loaded up their bikes in the vehicles left behind and returned to camp. As fun as the ride is, it's really hard to beat the awesome time we all had around the fire on Friday and Saturday nights. The only people who had more fun were the ones who got to Cheaha earlier in the week to soak it all in for as long as possible. 2017 was a big increase from 2016, and we're hoping the event continues to grow!